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What does physiotherapy mean?

Physiotherapy is a healing method in which external measures are applied through manual skills of the therapists to treat complaints and functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapy uses various physical stimuli such as heat, cold, pressure, electricity or radiation. The focus of this therapy is the restoration or prevention of disorders of the muscles, joints and skeletal system. Physiotherapy is often used as a complementary measure to veterinary treatment after operations or injuries, but also for chronic or degenerative diseases.

It is a sensible alternative or supplement to surgical or medicinal treatment. 
The main goals of physiotherapy are:
  1. Restoration and maintenance of movement
  2. Pain relief
  3. Increasing endurance and strength
  4. Training coordination and mobility
Bewusst Bewegt Tierphysiotherapie Berlin Brandenburg / Bewusst Bewegt Animal Physotherapy
Bewusst Bewegt Animal Physiotherapy

When does physiotherapy treatment make sense?

There are many reasons for physiotherapeutic treatment, ranging from acute or chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system to performance enhancement.

In addition to the treatment of acute problems, it is advisable in many cases to take prophylactic measures. This applies especially to animals with pre-existing diseases, genetic dispositions or geriatric (older) patients.

The following are some indications for physiotherapeutic treatment for dogs and horses: 
  • Indikationen (Hund)
    • Hüftgelenksdysplasie (HD)
    • Ellenbogengelenksdysplasie (ED)
    • Patellaluxation
    • Kreuzbandriss
    • Bandscheibenvorfall
    • Cauda Equina Syndrom
    • Arthrose
    • Muskelverspannungen
    • Hypo-/Hypermobilität Fehlstellungen
Bewusst Bewegt Animal Physiotherapy
  • Indikationen (Pferd)
    • Spat
    • Schale
    • Arthrose
    • Sehnen- oder Bänderschäden
    • Kissing Spines
    • Rückenschmerzen
    • Muskelverspannungen
    • Hypo-/Hypermobilität
    • Fehlstellungen
    • Rittigkeitsprobleme
Bewusst Bewegt Animal Physiotherapy

When should physiotherapy treatment not be carried out?

  • Indikationen (Hund)
    • Hüftgelenksdysplasie (HD)
    • Ellenbogengelenksdysplasie (ED)
    • Patellaluxation
    • Kreuzbandriss
    • Bandscheibenvorfall
    • Cauda Equina Syndrom
    • Arthrose
    • Muskelverspannungen
    • Hypo-/Hypermobilität Fehlstellungen

Subareas of physiotherapy

Bewusst Bewegt Manual Therapy

Manual therapy

Manual therapy (from "manus" Latin for hand) is probably the most important procedure in our treatment. With special hand movements and mobilisation techniques, pain and movement restrictions are recognised and treated. The direct contact to the tissue or to the patient allows a finely tuned, individual treatment, for which a lot of tact is necessary. more...

Physical therapy

Physical therapy uses various stimuli such as heat, cold, shock waves, light or electrical stimuli. It is an important accompanying measure to manual therapy, as it increases the metabolic activity of the tissue through its variety of different ways. more...

Training therapy

Training therapy is an important component of long-term efficient physiotherapy. It is classically carried out after manual and physical therapy and serves to specifically build up muscles and stabilise the body.

Our goal is to increase strength and endurance, improve coordination and mobility and thus actively prevent injuries. more...
Bewusst Bewegt Tierphysiotherapie Berlin Brandenburg / Bewusst Bewegt Animal Physotherapy
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BEWUSST BEWEGT Tierphysiotherapie
c/o Maria Schindler
Brüsseler Straße 2
13353 Berlin
Festnetz: +49-30-4531-0585
Maria Schindler: +49-175-5945802
Theresa Leuschner: +49-151-12408681
BEWUSST BEWEGT Tierphysiotherapie
c/o Maria Schindler
Brüsseler Straße 2
13353 Berlin