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Bewusst Bewegt Akupunktur

Acupuncture for the musculoskeletal system

As physiotherapists, we use acupuncture primarily in an orthopaedic context. This means that we stimulate with needling the tendinomuscular pathways that supply all muscles, ligaments and joints. These pathways sit between our skin and the meridians and are not connected to the organs. This means that the needles are not placed deep with this technique and is a good treatment method for more sensitive patients.

Acupuncture for a restricted musculoskeletal system requires, as with physiotherapy, either an existing, up-to-date diagnosis from the vet or an initial physiotherapeutic history from us before we can treat your pet.

With the combination of acupuncture and physiotherapy, effective synergy effects can be achieved together. This is because the interaction of the body's own energy and external manual therapy activates the body's own regeneration to a special degree.

We also offer follow-up acupuncture appointments without physiotherapy treatment.

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BEWUSST BEWEGT Tierphysiotherapie
c/o Maria Schindler
Brüsseler Straße 2
13353 Berlin
Festnetz: +49-30-4531-0585
Maria Schindler: +49-175-5945802
Theresa Leuschner: +49-151-12408681
BEWUSST BEWEGT Tierphysiotherapie
c/o Maria Schindler
Brüsseler Straße 2
13353 Berlin