Our mobile practice for animal physiotherapy / animal therapy (dogs, horses). Bewusst Bewegt Berlin (group practice) provides two therapists. Bewusst Bewegt Animal Physiotherapy Berlin and Brandenburg. Your mobile physiotherapy and acupuncture practice for dogs and horses in Berlin and the surrounding area. Our group practice provides you and your animal with two therapists at the same time. The regular internal exchange of specialists enables us to look at a case not only from one but from several perspectives and, in case of doubt, to obtain a second examination and assessment. Here we handle things according to the motto "four eyes see and four hands feel more than two". We attach great importance to good training, empathy, discretion, good communication and the ability to be aware of one's limitations. We are also happy to exchange information with your vet/doctor, dog trainer or other therepeutists who treat your pet in order to achieve the best possible therapy results. We are happy to assist you and your pet in word and deed.
Bewusst Bewegt Animal Physiotherapy
Your Mobile Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Practice for Dogs and Horses in Berlin and the Surrounding Areas.
Bewusst Bewegt is a mobile health practice for animalphysiotherapy and animalacupuncture in the Berlin area.
We are delighted that you have found your way to us.
Your Theresa Leuschner - therapist for physiotherapy (vet.) and acupuncture (vet.)
Your Maria Schindler - Physiotherapist (vet.)
We offer services relating to exercise and keeping dogs and horses healthy.
Whether through counselling, manual treatment, a training concept or acupuncture needling, we are happy to provide you and your animal with advice and support.
Our main services are
- Physiotherapy for dogs and horses
Movement is more than a basic need. Exercise is life.
We have made it our mission to support you and your pet in maintaining this movement for as long as possible.
For a harmonious and conscious co-operation between humans and animals.
Festnetz: +49-30-4531-0585
Maria Schindler: +49-175-5945802
Theresa Leuschner: +49-151-12408681
Mail: info@bb-tiertherapie.de
Maria Schindler: +49-175-5945802
Theresa Leuschner: +49-151-12408681
Mail: info@bb-tiertherapie.de